It’s taken some time but we finally hired some employees to help us clean Banana Dang at night. It gives us 2 more hours of sleep and that is definitely worth it. They are not full-time but maybe soon they can be baristas/order takers so we can take some time off to surf!

3 things he can’t live without: Food, water, music
Historical person he’d most like to dine with: Rasputin
How his closest friend describes him: “Boing! Boing! Boing!”

3 things she can’t live without: Perfume, music, pedicures
Famous person she’d most like to dine with: Diane Arbus
How her closest friend describes her: Silly!
On another note, we got our house painted upstairs—well, only half the house—but now cozier and more comfortable. Our favorite new thing to do is project movies on the living room wall. It feels like we’re in a private movie theater—widescreen, surround sound, popcorn and all!
We also cut down our Sunday hours to 9-3 pm which gives us even more time to do an evening surf session. It really does wonders when you’re able to re-coop—and we don’t want to burn out too early. Every day feels more like home as we scope out the area and get more familiar with the roads—and restaurants! We met more people in Rincon in the last few months then we did in 5 years in L.A. In fact…
We always get asked: “Do you miss L.A?” Obviously, our family and friends mean everything to us but aside from that...
We do NOT miss:
- 2 hours commute in what should take less than 30 minutes
- Metered parking (no meters anywhere here!)
- Billboards with crappy ads with fake people selling crappy stuff we do not need
- Long lines to get into clubs and restaurants (no velvet rope here)
- Attitude! (Those who live here are “perma-vacationers,” so most are relaxed)
What we do miss about L.A…
- Whole Foods, Trader Joes, health food stores
- “Real” car washes (ones with soap in the dispenser and scrub brushes...really, is that too much to ask?!?)
- Good hair salons
- Cops who give tickets when someone speeds through red lights going 80mph
- No mosquitoes, ants who attack, lizards in the house (although lizards are cute)

The next few months will also bring more familiar faces from home as friends and family make their way to our island. We promise we will feature some guest bloggers (Tanya? Rosarito?). Surfwise, Rincon’s had a major flat spell in the last 2 weeks. We’re talking FLAT as a pancake. It was nice to go snorkeling again and we even found a new spot—Antonio’s—where we can see plenty of caves underwater, reminiscent of the movie “Finding Nemo.” For the uninitiated, seeing caves underwater can be kinda spooky, but very fun!

Enough rambling. Time for an afternoon cappuccino...
Con Amore,
T2 and Mario
T2, glad to hear things are settling down and that you both are successful in your endeavor! Would love to be beachside enjoying a wonderfully flavor infused smoothie. Ahhh, can just imagine it now. PR sounds like a great "family vacation"!! You work on Quyen!
Love to you both,
It sounds like the life. Lizards, ants, flat water... are you sure you didn't move to my hometown, New Orleans? Oh wait... no metered parking... yep, you're in PR.
It sounds like things are going super. I'm glad for you both!
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